Monday, August 15, 2011

Our trip


Sorry I haven't posted recently. We are in saint louis visiting my grandpa and grandma. Right now we are at my grandmas house. She has a very cut dog. Today we are going to my grandpa who also lives in st louis but has a lakeside house and that is were we are going! I really like his lakeside house because you get to drive his boat which is really fun! We also go swimming there at the lake he lives at and at this other beach on a different lake! He just got a new boat, trailer and SUV and now we can boat at all different lakes! We went swimming yesterday it was really fun!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Now I am doing drama camp it is really fun! We are doing jungle book and i am King Louie and probably a elephant! I am very exited! The Disney Jungle Book isn't that long so my directer hired a playwright to right some more! and in that show I am a dog and a giraffe! Also Last Wednesday night I went to a QSF show it was really fun! here is a picture of my ticket!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


It is finally summer! I finished kids n clay and now I am doing robotics camp! I am working on a trolly-bot that goes across a string and it goes back and fourth on the string! But I attached this claw and a light sensor, and I put a ball in the claw and a piece of black tape on the ground, and when it goes over the black tape it is supposed to drop the ball but it won't. I keep checking over the program and it keeps breaking witch does not help much! Also my friend L built this robot and programed it too follow a line, he also put two touch sensors on the front and I programed it to solve a maze! So I got some credit on that! The weathers been nice!

Hope you enjoy the summer and have tons of fun!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


School is out! Now all I have are camps! Right now i am doing kids and clay then i will do robotics then I will do a 5 week drama camp and the our family goes too St. Louis last but not least, one free week then School again! I hope the summer will be super duper fun! So far kids and clay has been great! Last year we went to poland i want to go there again but it is really expensive, so we only go every other year. But we do get free tickets but we usually only get four! The problem with kids and clay is that we make about 20 pieces of pottery a day so I am going to come home with tons of ceramics. The other thing is that we are only allowed to use a special kind of glaze that they cant put a over glaze on so we cant eat out of the things we make, but otherwise it is really fun!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blue Man Group

Last sautrday night I went to a Blue Man Group concert it was very fun. We had front row seats. In the first two rows they gave us ponchos because they shot mooshed banana at us. It was really cool. I really like the blue men but I never knew they would come to san francsico. Here is the band, 2 of the blue men (there are three) and the main electric shut off that they unpluged!

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Birthday

My birthday was pretty fun! Its nice being nine. As I said, we went to the beach it was REALLY fun. We went down to point reyes. We rarely go there so I was very happy. I can't wait to go there again. Here are some pictures from the beach!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I play violin. Today I had a violin lesson. I think playing violin is very fun. I am just going to tell you I am NOT planning to be famous, too MANY pictures! But I am not telling you that I don't like playing violin, I LOVE it! I wouldn't consider my self the best but i think i'm pretty good at playing violin. I know about 20 songs (maybe a few less) but they aren't so famous so I don't think you'll know them. So I won't tell you about them. Anyways I need to go write! See you next time!!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My first blog post


This is my first blog post, so please don't expect it to be the best. My dad made up the idea to have a blog at my parent teacher conference. I thought it was a good idea so I made one and here it is!!
My 9th birthday is coming up in 3 days. I can't wait! I hope I like my presents! I want to go to the beach and have a lot of fun. I learned a trick to stay warm at the beach: you dig a big hole then you get in and the wind can't get to you. I am going to bring a big shovel and see if i can get deep enough!
Please follow me!!!! See you next time!!!!!!