It is finally summer! I finished kids n clay and now I am doing robotics camp! I am working on a trolly-bot that goes across a string and it goes back and fourth on the string! But I attached this claw and a light sensor, and I put a ball in the claw and a piece of black tape on the ground, and when it goes over the black tape it is supposed to drop the ball but it won't. I keep checking over the program and it keeps breaking witch does not help much! Also my friend L built this robot and programed it too follow a line, he also put two touch sensors on the front and I programed it to solve a maze! So I got some credit on that! The weathers been nice!
Hope you enjoy the summer and have tons of fun!
I'm so glad you're having a great summer so far. I hope you figure out how to make the claw work today! -- Mommy